Back to School Book Launch! with Adrienne Gear – September 5th 2024

Back to School Book Launch!

with Adrienne Gear

September 5th 2024

Location: Ramada Inn Northern Grand

(CATERED Snacks and REFRESHMENTS will be served)

Intended Audience: Gr. K-8 Classroom Teachers, Support/Resource Teachers, LATS, Teacher Librarians

TIME: Session starts at 3:45 – 6:45 pm

3:30 snacks SERVED with 2 additional 20 minute snack breaks

To Register scan the QR Code to access the google registration form

Or go to the URL

Registration cut off is June 14th 2024

Please note: Once you have registered you have committed to attending this session. Having an accurate number of participants impacts the Venue, Food preparations and book purchases. Thank you.

Contact for further assistance