• Aboriginal Curriculum Workshop: May 14, 2018

    Indigenous & Scientific Ways of Knowing Nature  SESSION CANCELLED Based on the book “Bridging Cultures:  Indigenous & Scientific Ways of Knowing Nature” by Glen Aikenhead and Herman Michell, come spend the day to learn more about indigenous knowledge and understanding of the physical world.  This workshop will provide Science teachers with perspectives on scientific and […]

  • Exploring Online Resources & Apps: May 11, 2018 NID

    Exploring Online Resources & Apps:  May 11, 2018 NID Technology helps to engage students in learning and provides them with opportunities for multiple means of representation and expression.  There are so many great resources and applications available to both staff and students in the district such as our Learn60 Google Suite and Digmore e-library.  This […]

  • English Language Learners (ELL) Workshop

    English Language Learners (ELL) Workshop Want to have a better understanding of English Language Learners?  Join us for a day of discussions about:  ELL learning needs; strategies that work not only for ELL, but for ALL; Curriculum connections and other resources. Bring a piece of technology and a lesson or unit you would like to […]

  • POPEI May 11th Comprehensive Literacy Session

    Hey everyone, please see the flyer for session details and click on the link at the bottom for ONLINE registration. This is going to be good!! If you have any questions please contact Cindy McGarroch cmcgarroch@prn.bc.ca or Crystal Johnson cdjohnson@prn.bc.ca SD 60 POPEI Flyer – 11.05.18

  • Resource Walk – Well being, Belonging, SOGI, Acceptance, Kindness – April 26

    Join Cindy and Jarrod for a Resource Walk of books that support well being, belonging, SOGI, acceptance, kindness in K-middle. Please bring a favourite resource to share. We’ll collect titles and share as well after the session. This session will be available via Google Hangout provided attendees let us know they’d like to attend remotely. […]

  • 4 Sessions for EAs – February 26, 2018

    Alwin Holland is hosting four sessions for EAs on February 26th, 2018. Caring For Yourself While Caring For Others: How Empathy and Self-Care Come Together In Our Work With Students Crystal Anielewicz 9:00-12:00 with break We will be exploring components of the child and adult brain and what gets in the way of our communication, […]

  • Math Collaboration Group – March 8

    Do You Teach Math? Do you want a group to collaborate with? A group that has the same interests as you? Then… JOIN US! Where: At the PRNTA office – 9912 -101 Ave When: March 8 @ 3:30pm Contact Barb Wagner for more information: bwagner@prn.bc.ca or 250-262-6022  

  • Report Card Writing Support Session for Teachers

    Report Card Writing Support Session for Teachers Teachers from the district are invited to attend a support session for report card writing that will include support with report card writing, My Ed BC as well as access to district curriculum coaches for support with assessment & evaluation as well as curriculum. Date:  February 22, 2018 […]

  • My Blueprint Inservice

    My Blueprint Inservice Simple Student Portfolios & Career Education Resources My Blueprint is currently in use in both middle schools as well as NPSS.  We would like to expand the program to grades 5-6 starting this September 2018.  The program  is versatile and continues to be expanded for multiple curriculum uses beyond career and portfolios. […]

  • Building Math Muscles!

    Session Description:  How do I sort out the priorities amongst the chaos of the ever increasing demands on my time?  How do I meet the needs of my students AND maintain my sanity?  Look no further- There are answers.  We will examine a structure that will start to answer the questions in both primary and […]