
The life outcomes for adults living with FASD are generally very poor, but most research
has been focused on adverse consequences in children. As such, “research is urgently
needed to understand the long-term developmental trajectory of individuals with FASD”
(Himmelreich et al, 2020, p. 191).

The Changemakers are six adults living with FASD
who are positive examples of adults who overcome obstacles and maximize their
potential. Additionally, they develop and lead their own survey research to bring
awareness and shift outcomes for adults with FASD. Their research is current, practical,
and provides compelling data that educators’ efforts matter for students with FASD.

Presentation Date:  April 22, 2022

Time:  9:30-11:30 am

Venue:  Zoom (link will be shared with registered participants)

Audience:  EAs, LATs, Teachers, Resource Teachers and Youth Care Workers

Registration:  Please email Danielle Evans at  by Friday, April 15th to register.
