DBT Skills In Schools Learning Group

Get a taste of the DBT Skills in Schools SEL curriculum by
engaging in a skills learning group. The curriculum was developed
to teach practical skills to help students cope with stress, to
solve problems effectively, and to build healthy relationships. Our
group sessions will follow the four modules of Dialectical Behavior
Therapy: Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance
and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Participants will have the
opportunity to learn by doing.

Co-Facilitators: Brenda Birley and Sydney Vandergaag
Dates: This is an 8 session series beginning on Wednesday, October 7 and ending on Wednesday, November 26.
Times: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Location: Zoom (with possibility of some in person sessions depending on what the group wants)
Target Audience: Teachers, Youth Care Workers, Educational Assistants. Maximum enrollment of 15.
Register: Email bbirley@prn.bc.ca

DBT poster