SpacesEDU Pilot Project/Professional Development Opportunity

SpacesEDU is a platform where teachers can collect evidence of learning from students, build portfolios, provide feedback to students and support standards-based grading. SpacesEDU provides a platform that aligns with the new BC Reporting Order including use of the proficiency scale, tagging samples of learning and access to reporting tools.

Who:  Targeted to middle school teachers first, then would be opened to other grade spans (see poster below for further details)

When:  2023-24 school year

Registration:  Expressions of interest can be emailed to  no later than September 8, 2023.

Dates:  Will be determined and established once participants are confirmed

Please note that the district will support the costs of the program and professional development.  Participation is voluntary and teachers will not be paid for their time. Please note that sessions will be outside of the regular school day.

Spaces 2023-24 pilot (2)